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The OTP project

We are two OTPs with close-knit communities.

We sought to offer products related to our Summoner's Rift characters. We offer quality products that reflect our gameplay. The logos are printed in France, in La Rochelle, on an organic textile. 


Unity is strength, and this is how the project was born. Charles with his Teemo, the legendary yordleShac and his clone (or vice versa?)

Shac Nicholson

The clown of the band, OTP Shaco since season 5, he gives a lot of pleasure to his opponents on the fault (no, they want to ragequit but his mates too)

You got his thing, it's the boxes and the knives in the back, that's where he got the idea for his personalized visuals.

He also has a small career in esports as a coach (LFL and LFL2) for teams like BDS or Atletec. He puts his coaching skills at your service in individual sessions

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